Saturday 1 November 2014


Hello to all you Wattpad readers out there! Want to know what’s hot right now in the Wattpad Pop Fiction department? Yes? Well here are our all-time favorites to share with you guys! :)
 wattpad  is a website that allows aspiring writers and journalists to share and create their own stories. Not only that but if books get extremely popular and well written, this can lead for it to become published as an official hard copy book. Isn’t that amazing?

This is Stephanie Lee doing a collaboration with Vanilla Skittles from


1.) Operation Break the Casanova’s Heart By Alyloony
One of those “Good girl meets Bad boy” kind of plot line. Naomi Perez, an average teenage girl who is one of the few people emmune to Stephen Cruz ( the most popular guy at school) charms. She had already despised him a bit because he had crushed millions of hearts, leaving them simply scattered to the ground. At first everything is at its normal pace, but when Naomi’s best friend, Kryzel, gets her heart broken into two by the one and only Stephen. Let’s just say things can get a little messy. After reaching her breaking point, her anger towards him overflows, which gives her the strength to sign a contract stating that she has to make Stephen truly fall head over heels for her, become his girlfriend;then, finally dump him and avenge all those destroyed hearts.
Here’s the catch: You can’t fall in love with him.
This won’t be too simple. The more Naomi tries to be his girlfriend, the more she will get to know him. Letting her see a different side of this so called bad boy. Will she succeed? Or will she fail? Could she really break the casanova’s heart?
Personally I found this book very interesting. Its one good read that can show that not everything you see is what you get. Sometimes in life you must learn to understand one another and learn to love them for all their faults. Its like ” Never judge a book by its cover.” Naomi thought that Stephen was just being a big meanie to girls; however, there is more to this story than simply playing with girls. He had a bad past, a past that sacred him, and his father hadn’t exactly been setting a good example towards him when it comes to the opposite gender. Not everything is as it seems. You’ve got to learn how to dig a little deeper and get to know the person before even making a statement about them.
2.) He’s Dating the Ice Princess by Filipina (P175)
This is a book that is written in tanglish meaning that the author may switch languages at times ( from English to Filipino to Korean). Miss Charice Eliza Mendoza, AKA: the Ice Princess. Heart as cold as -273 degrees, sealed away from anyone. Lonely life? That how she likes it. Daryl Seak Kang, a korean who is also the school’s number 1 hearthrob strikes a sudden interest in her, her life gets interesting. You see Daryl is in search for a long lost girl whom he had met in a competition a while back. Thinking that Charice may be the girl, he starts to spend more and more time with her. On the other hand, Charice isn’t used to having someone around her especially someone like him. How will things end up for the both of them? Will Charice learn to open her closed doors to others? More importantly is Charice really the girl he had been search for and if not who will he choose? Charice or little miss mystery lady?
An cool find! This book teaches that people who are isolated from the world can become part of it again by giving them a little love and attention. Each one of us should know that we are’t alone, someone will always be there for you so don’t feel like keeping yourself hidden from others. Learn to communicate with one another. Charice is a very secluded girl, doesn’t want to be noticed nor bothered by anyone. Opening her doors will hard, but it isn’t impossible. All someone needs is time and effort like how Daryl had shown this to her. Which is why I liked the book :)
3.) TAKE TWO: A Place In Time by j_harry 08 (P195)
A girl named Shay lost her first love Terrence, for he had passed away after his illness. Now, she only has a sketch drawn by him by a certain boy called “Nathan.” She then meets a boy who she is certain is him, but denies it stating that his name is Jiroh. Still not buying it she is persistent about getting to know him, and why he has been acting up. Soon, the two characters will eventually draw closer together. One question still remains on Shay’s head: “Am I ready to let go?”
Let It Go. This was the first phrase that popped into my mind. Story tells others that each one of us should let go of the past and look onto the future. Learning not to forget the past but simply treasure them as memories. Don’t cling on to them, instead the lessons you had learned in the past do them in the future. Like how Shay learned to move on and start a new beginning. Thats why I liked the book, for me it isn’t your typical run on the mill type of book. It gives people a idea on how to move on in life.
Thats all the books we shared to you guys. Hopefully this had helped you get to know the neat books that are present all over Wattpad. You can buy these books at any local bookstore near you :) Tons of more books await for you in Wattpad. Check it out  :) Till Next Time! :)

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