Tuesday 11 November 2014

Visiting Fit Squad

"What? We really have to do that?"
-One of the surprised students-
Our last club meeting on November 4 became a visit to the other clubs. You were part of the other club for that meeting only. You could join what they were doing like what some of my other club mates did, or you could simply observe what was happening which was what my partner, Hazelle Lee and I did.

We were assigned to be a 'part,' of Fit Squad, and it's exactly what it sounds like -- people doing exercises.

When my partner finally decided to tag along with me to walk nearer to the crowd of people, the first thing I noticed was that they were doing these exercises while some people at the side were doing jump ropes. For most of the meeting, the moderator of the club, Mr. Sherwin S. Villarin, was teaching the students an exercise. I can't quite remember what he was yelling, but I think it was, "Drop! Close! Turn!"

"So what do you want for our Christmas party?"
-Mr. Villarin encouraging the unwilling
students to give their suggestions.-
After their activity, Mr. Villarin called everyone to sit near where he was standing at their makeshift podium and gave a lecture. I half-listened to it and decided that I felt slightly bad for the students. He was lecturing them on the much needed improvement on their practical test (which turned out to be the exercise that they had been practicing the whole meeting). Afterwards, Mr. Villarin encouraged the students to give their suggestions for their Christmas party next meeting and reminded them to improve on their practical tests.

by: Mitchel Rey

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