Thursday 13 November 2014

Funny Fun Fantastic Funtastic Math

                                                              Funtastic Math

   "Uhh, math class again, could this probably get any worse," said the students. "You bet it can, surprise test!" replied the teacher. All of us think that math is boring and lame but did you ever think math could get more fun and fantastic? Well, if you think it could, you're right! Apparently there is a club out there called Funtastic Math.

From left to right, 1st on the left is Mam Bagcal(Club Adviser), 2nd is Tiffany, 3rd is Timothy,
 4th is Mason Co and the is Drew Co
   Funtastic math is a club that aims to show us that math can be fun. The club's adviser is
Mam Bagcal and the officers are: Tiffany, Timothy, Mason and Drew Co. The club is indeed very fun because of all the games, jokes and effort in trying to make it feel fun. If you don't believe that math is fun well then come on down Funtastic Math in G7-Rizal on their Christmas party.

   The club officers have been planning a special and different Christmas party. I'm sure that there's that anticipation in you but just to suite your enthusiastic anticipation, I'll give you some things to expect, they'll have KFC, All Cheese Pizza and Junk Food! They'll also prove that math is fun on December 10 because they prepared us an intermission number and a math jingle. Don't miss this chance to see and feel that math can be fun. All of these things may make math more fun but watch out because they still have 1 month to kidnap(Borrow) students for their big plan.

"Two heads are better than one" in every thing

   Now we all know that there's always that something that tops off the others and it needs to be in harmony with an event. Well, they came in prepared, they plan to make a gigantic Christmas parol! They wanted to be creative so they planned to make it out of cellophane and sequins. I am really surprised with their perfect way of combining geometry with Christmas event.

A symbol of perfect harmony of geometry and Christmas

Idea proposal by Ellise Lim from snapshot.

   So do you believe that math can be fun, now? Well, I do just because they were able to mix math with a special event. I now hope you believe that math can be fun in any possible way, even in sarcasm.

Made by Charles Ong

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