Saturday 15 November 2014

iSurvived My Visit to iSurvive

Last week Tuesday, November 4th, I was tasked to explore the wild. Well not exactly the wild, but I visited another club called "iSurvive" along with Alexis Sim of BH DRIVE THRU. Since this is my first visit to another club, I can describe this experience as rather new and refreshing.

The first thing I immediately noticed whilst inside the classroom was the power point presentation because it had their temporary logo which contained their motto, and their club verse, 1 John 5:4 which states: "for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith."

After seeing these things, I asked myself if the club followed the context of the verse, or if they strayed far away from it. To find out, we joined our fellow survivors for that day's session. Mr. Quitzon, the club moderator, grouped everyone with  4-6 members per group. Each group was tasked to create a new logo for the club which exemplified the values which sets them apart from other clubs. These values which I think are of utmost importance are teamwork, unity, synergy, and perhaps the willpower to overcome the world.

The next task given to each group was to create an obstacle course that would take place next year. An obstacle course by definition is a series of challenging physical obstacles an individual or team must navigate. For me, an obstacle course would allow everyone to compete in a united fashion, to show the values an "iSurvivor" must have, and to apply their Bible verse as it involves overcoming obstacles.

iSurvivors patiently designing their new logo and planning out their obstacle courses.
Well for me, being an iSurvivor for one day, I can say that this club does exhibit teamwork and unity, and it followed the context of their club verse. It has been a great opportunity for me to be a part of this endeavor because it allowed me to experience these values firsthand.

by: Raymond Acero

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