Friday 20 February 2015

There’s No Harm in Trying!

Have you ever experience you want to do something new , but end up not doing it because you are afraid to try it? Or have you ever experience trying something new , but not doing it because you think you are not good at it? Have your doubts and insecurities stop you from trying to do something new? I think once in a while people do experience those , and I am one of them.

One thing I have learned in Bloggers' Hub and this school year is that there is no harm in trying new things. Sometimes trying something new scares us because we don’t know anything about that department yet. We even have little faith in ourselves, but we will never really know the outcome if we did not try it . If we never tried anything new, we will not learn anything. Then we will be living being afraid in taking risks.

I love reading books , especially Fan fictions , so because of this I remember at times I thought of trying to make my own blog or write my own story. But end up not doing it because every time I try to write my own stories i can’t finish the whole story , because I lack inspiration and ideas . That is why I don’t know how to continue my story and why I don’t know what to write about.  This causes me to stop in writing.

But when I got in Bloggers' Hub, I learned to try writing again. I learn that writing a blog is not so bad after all.  I get to know more about blogging. There are so many ways we can do to write our blogs. We could make Vlogs or micro-blogs to share our thoughts, emotions, and feelings to others.

So don’t hesitate in trying something you have never done before because even if sometimes you do not know how to do it, it may surprise you.  Once you try something new, you can gain more knowledge and this can even benefit you, because you get to gain some knowledge from your experience. Who knows, we may even learn to like it! :)

by CJ Pena

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