Wednesday 18 February 2015

The Present

Well, today's finally the last club day for Bloggers' Hub!

To be honest, it came quite sooner than I'd expected. I mean, here we all are, so excited and eager for summer . . . to just leave everything behind. The stress, the worries, the problems . . .

But once you're finally at that point, suddenly it doesn't feel so good anymore.

You ever wonder why that is?

Probably because we never really live in the present.

As humans, it's a natural tendency to worry and become anxious about the future. We like to plan ahead and set our stepping stones just so that we'd feel safer and more secure with ourselves. But more often than not, things don't really unfold the way we'd mapped them out. In fact, it may be safer to say that the only thing that's predictable about life is its unpredictability.

True, summer really is something to look forward to. Everyone finally gets the chance to rest and relax after such a long time of solid hard work. But oftentimes, we think so much of the future that we forget to enjoy the present.

I guess what I'm trying to say is . . .

Sometimes, we forget to treasure the moments we have now, and that, I believe, is partly why satisfaction has become quite difficult to achieve.

If Bloggers' Hub has taught me anything aside from the expected academic learnings that come with educational experiences such as this, it's the fact that I should learn to live more in the present than in the past or the future.

After all . . .

Life's too short to live anywhere else but the present . . . !

by: Robyn Rey

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