Sunday 22 February 2015

Bloggers' Hub: A Hub of Expressions

          I have never really considered blogging as an activity that I can do on a regular basis. I never really did until I joined this club, Bloggers' Hub. Just by looking at the name itself, you'd know that this club would all be about blogging, and I wasn't really a fan of blogging, so I wasn't really excited about being in this club too much. However, after a year of being in this club, my point of view has completely changed.

          I can still recall the time when I, along with my fellow groupmates, created this blog, "The Keyboard Community". I can also remember the first post that I have ever written in this blog. I realized that after I have written my first blog post, it kind of felt nice because I was able to express my opinions without being limited by time, or any other sort of limitation. In short, I was free to write and talk about anything I wanted to. By that time, my point of view about blogging started to change, and I started to like blogging ever since then.

          I do admit that I may not be as dedicated as the other people in my club, but even so, I have learned quite a lot, and I have enjoyed writing all of my posts. I have learned to be expressive and my writing has improved. This school year is nearing its end, and the last meeting for Bloggers' Hub has already passed. Although both of these things have ended, my memories of this club have not and will not. 

by: Raymond Acero

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