Wednesday 18 February 2015

Stop, Look, and Listen

   Research, understand, blog then repeat. Uh, blogging is so boring or is it?

   Usually people are bored to death just by hearing the word "blog" but why so? Most blogs are long, boring and not catchy. Most bloggers and readers have a big misunderstanding now a days. Both sides haven't tried seeing each others real point of view.

   Readers don't know that bloggers try their best in making blogs so they deserve to be respected, plus we even take knowledge and quotes from their blogs. Bloggers don't always work solo but also in groups so most info that they'll tell us would be correct because there is a transfer and correction of  information. Respect is all a blogger asks for because this is a place where he/she can freely express what they know to others like micro-blogging. Bloggers also have different meanings in fun so we can't blame them.

                                              Community Blogs and Groups of Bloggers

      Bloggers should also take opinions and criticism as a motivator instead of just arguing with it. They shouldn't also put their side in it because the reader follows what the creator writes. Bloggers should try working in groups so they can be corrected before publishing it to others. 

    All of these can be learned through bloggers hub, a club that makes the most out of writers and bloggers.


By: Charles

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