Friday 3 April 2015

Plan 007

Need life insurance?

   What's the matter, afraid of death, your family's future or your investments? Well, don't be because here is Sun Life Financial. You can prepare for death, the future and starting a business.

Life Insurance

    Can't go YOLO because you fear of accidents. Don't be because your family's future will be ok and secured if you apply for life insurance now. We will be there to help you in the hardest times.


   With the rising economy of the country, you need to start investing but what if your not sure where to invest it on? Well, you can invest your money on policies with Sun Life Financial. You can buy policies at a lower price and sell them at a higher price.

Just message me at to get an agent.

Thursday 26 February 2015


If I'm going to be completely honest with you, I'd say that this year is passing by a lot faster than I expected. I mean, the last club meeting has already passed a week or so ago, and it seems just like yesterday when I first entered the first club meeting.

Being placed into this specific community blog isn't something I'd change. Sure, 99.9%  most of us hardly talked whenever we had a group discussion or activity, but it seemed better than a group of loud, noisy people talking all at once and arguing about which idea to use for this community blog. I'll admit that my group mates are unnaturally quiet -- even myself. However, it's something that somehow made us closer -- majority of us didn't really talk to each other, but we still somehow understood what each person had to say.

We, as a group, also had our imperfections. But in the end, these imperfections are the traits that made us one united group. Being too quiet and sometimes downright awkward -- I wouldn't change these things.


It's because those are what made us a family.

This year in Bloggers' Hub has taught me that ups and downs don't always have to mean negative things. So embrace the scars and marks -- you don't have to be ashamed by them because you have a great personality.

Go on and make a mess. In this world full of people striving for perfection, a few paint splatters and genuine laughter is what we truly need.

by: Mitchel Rey

Sunday 22 February 2015

Bloggers' Hub: A Hub of Expressions

          I have never really considered blogging as an activity that I can do on a regular basis. I never really did until I joined this club, Bloggers' Hub. Just by looking at the name itself, you'd know that this club would all be about blogging, and I wasn't really a fan of blogging, so I wasn't really excited about being in this club too much. However, after a year of being in this club, my point of view has completely changed.

          I can still recall the time when I, along with my fellow groupmates, created this blog, "The Keyboard Community". I can also remember the first post that I have ever written in this blog. I realized that after I have written my first blog post, it kind of felt nice because I was able to express my opinions without being limited by time, or any other sort of limitation. In short, I was free to write and talk about anything I wanted to. By that time, my point of view about blogging started to change, and I started to like blogging ever since then.

          I do admit that I may not be as dedicated as the other people in my club, but even so, I have learned quite a lot, and I have enjoyed writing all of my posts. I have learned to be expressive and my writing has improved. This school year is nearing its end, and the last meeting for Bloggers' Hub has already passed. Although both of these things have ended, my memories of this club have not and will not. 

by: Raymond Acero

Friday 20 February 2015

There’s No Harm in Trying!

Have you ever experience you want to do something new , but end up not doing it because you are afraid to try it? Or have you ever experience trying something new , but not doing it because you think you are not good at it? Have your doubts and insecurities stop you from trying to do something new? I think once in a while people do experience those , and I am one of them.

One thing I have learned in Bloggers' Hub and this school year is that there is no harm in trying new things. Sometimes trying something new scares us because we don’t know anything about that department yet. We even have little faith in ourselves, but we will never really know the outcome if we did not try it . If we never tried anything new, we will not learn anything. Then we will be living being afraid in taking risks.

I love reading books , especially Fan fictions , so because of this I remember at times I thought of trying to make my own blog or write my own story. But end up not doing it because every time I try to write my own stories i can’t finish the whole story , because I lack inspiration and ideas . That is why I don’t know how to continue my story and why I don’t know what to write about.  This causes me to stop in writing.

But when I got in Bloggers' Hub, I learned to try writing again. I learn that writing a blog is not so bad after all.  I get to know more about blogging. There are so many ways we can do to write our blogs. We could make Vlogs or micro-blogs to share our thoughts, emotions, and feelings to others.

So don’t hesitate in trying something you have never done before because even if sometimes you do not know how to do it, it may surprise you.  Once you try something new, you can gain more knowledge and this can even benefit you, because you get to gain some knowledge from your experience. Who knows, we may even learn to like it! :)

by CJ Pena

Wednesday 18 February 2015

The Present

Well, today's finally the last club day for Bloggers' Hub!

To be honest, it came quite sooner than I'd expected. I mean, here we all are, so excited and eager for summer . . . to just leave everything behind. The stress, the worries, the problems . . .

But once you're finally at that point, suddenly it doesn't feel so good anymore.

You ever wonder why that is?

Probably because we never really live in the present.

As humans, it's a natural tendency to worry and become anxious about the future. We like to plan ahead and set our stepping stones just so that we'd feel safer and more secure with ourselves. But more often than not, things don't really unfold the way we'd mapped them out. In fact, it may be safer to say that the only thing that's predictable about life is its unpredictability.

True, summer really is something to look forward to. Everyone finally gets the chance to rest and relax after such a long time of solid hard work. But oftentimes, we think so much of the future that we forget to enjoy the present.

I guess what I'm trying to say is . . .

Sometimes, we forget to treasure the moments we have now, and that, I believe, is partly why satisfaction has become quite difficult to achieve.

If Bloggers' Hub has taught me anything aside from the expected academic learnings that come with educational experiences such as this, it's the fact that I should learn to live more in the present than in the past or the future.

After all . . .

Life's too short to live anywhere else but the present . . . !

by: Robyn Rey

Stop, Look, and Listen

   Research, understand, blog then repeat. Uh, blogging is so boring or is it?

   Usually people are bored to death just by hearing the word "blog" but why so? Most blogs are long, boring and not catchy. Most bloggers and readers have a big misunderstanding now a days. Both sides haven't tried seeing each others real point of view.

   Readers don't know that bloggers try their best in making blogs so they deserve to be respected, plus we even take knowledge and quotes from their blogs. Bloggers don't always work solo but also in groups so most info that they'll tell us would be correct because there is a transfer and correction of  information. Respect is all a blogger asks for because this is a place where he/she can freely express what they know to others like micro-blogging. Bloggers also have different meanings in fun so we can't blame them.

                                              Community Blogs and Groups of Bloggers

      Bloggers should also take opinions and criticism as a motivator instead of just arguing with it. They shouldn't also put their side in it because the reader follows what the creator writes. Bloggers should try working in groups so they can be corrected before publishing it to others. 

    All of these can be learned through bloggers hub, a club that makes the most out of writers and bloggers.


By: Charles

Sunday 8 February 2015

The 44 Fallen



"Strike a blow to save our country 
 for she is our common mother"
They laid down their lives for the Princess(The Philippines)

By: Charles

Sunday 1 February 2015

The Magnificent North

A little adventure can light up a traveler's heart. #Ilocos #MoreFunInThePhilippines

By: Raymond Acero

Saturday 31 January 2015


"Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder"
#Eye #Edits #Pixlr #SoProud

Last year, I was bored and searching Wattpad club threads when I found a tutorial for this image. It was for Photoshop (as most tutorials were), but I used Pixlr, a sort of online version of it. Even though I've starting editing "better" pictures, I'm still proud of this one :D it's one of my edits that I actually like. As for the title, I'm a huge sucker for catchy titles, and I thought about that quote while making this edit. It fits perfectly, doesn't it?

by: Mitchel Rey