Monday 29 September 2014

The Keyboard Community

We believe that the ultimate struggle a writer faces is knowing how to start his or her written output. It could be anything--from poems, to essays, to full-length novels. It's very difficult to hook your readers--especially if you have a lot. People with a huge variety of hobbies and interests aren't exactly easy to please. This is especially true if you're writing alone.

The Keyboard Community is an interactive community blog with the goal to interest as many readers as possible. We believe that literature is already a miracle upon itself--that words, when strung together in just the right way, can touch and influence an individual so much. And the fact that readers, critics, and other analysts could assess so many stories and compare them with one another is even more amazing. Personally, we believe that literature is a cycle that flows from one enthusiastic reader to another. Different stories may influence different people, but in the end, there is one single truth that binds us all, and that is the fact that literature truly is a work of art.

But how do you create something so beautiful without stressing your concept too much? When you already have that whole idea in your head, it's easy to imagine how you're going to string your words together to make it come to life. But when it comes to actually constructing your written output, that's when you pause and realize that you have no clue how to start. Sometimes, we all get too caught up in trying to start with fireworks that the rest of the whole text turns out to be a mere spark.

We're all dreamers here. That's no secret. The Keyboard Community is composed of various writers--each with their own personal experiences and struggles. It's true that it's difficult--impossible, really--to please everyone, especially when it comes to opinions and perspectives, but what makes this small community so powerful is that literature flows through all of us. Combining all our thoughts and ideas and putting them together to share our experiences with the world creates an expanding network of lives joined together through literature. What makes this blog so aspiringly unique is that everything will come from everyone.

So come and join the fun because it'll be like you yourself had lived through the moment; we, The Keyboard Community, promise that you won't regret it!

by: Robyn Rey & Mitchel Rey


  1. The 'About Us' section was well-written. It gives a thorough picture and overview of what the blog is all about. It also tackles the theme and focus of the blog. Hopefully, the entries will reflect the real nature of the website.

    I find the layout or template sort of dull and stiff for the wide range of the entries that are posted and will be posted. I don't mind if you will use a template or someone in the group can design that. Whichever you decide on doing, make sure that the layout will be more representative of the group and the blog. Maybe the layout looks a bit plain too because entries do not make up for the plain layout.

  2. Hi, for this first entry, let us do some improvements on how it is formatted.

    Put the entry title and do away with the 'Entry # __' and the parenthetical.

    The name of the contributor may be placed as the first line of the entry so it would appear to be like the byline, although I can check out your blog settings so we can modify the posting section and customize it to have an excerpts section where the name of the writer may be posted.

  3. Well-written welcome entry from the editor-in-chief. I suggest that a photo be added at the end of the entry showcasing the KC (Keyboard Community) bloggers in their 'character'. If you wish to keep private, maybe a photo of everyone scoring their online persona for KC blog. Since you mentioned it yourself that you want to make this personal, make the entry personal, too.
