Sunday 19 October 2014

Pac-Man in Our Everyday Lives

           Omnomnomnomnom < - - - This onomatopoeia accurately depicts a famous icon from the 80s which lives on until this very day. This famous icon is the one and only... Pac-man

Manny Pacquiao

Wait not this Pac-Man.


Pac-Man is an arcade game that was created by Namco, first released in Japan on the 22nd of May, 1980, then released on a later date in the United States on October, 1980. It then rose to fame and became immensely popular that this game is still recognized until this very day. You can try this game out for free by clicking the link above for you to enjoy the fun and highly-addictive experience you’ll get with Pac-Man.

Playing this game for the first time, you would most likely feel that it’s just one of those fun and highly addictive games, but nothing can be learned from it. After all, it’s just a video game. But alas, that’s where you are mistaken dear readers. Upon pondering whether or not some life lesson could be learned from this game, I fixated my eyes and studied this old and classic game. After a while, I realized something of great significance“Eureka!” just as Archimedes would say.

Looking closely at the game mechanics, a life lesson could be learned, so let’s first go through the game mechanics. In this game, the player controls Pac-Man and navigates him throughout a maze where he must collect all of the pac-dots and fruits. When all of these are eaten, you then proceed to the next stage. However, the game isn't so easily won. Four enemies are released periodically from their cage, and they all have but one objective, eliminate Pac-Man. Fortunately, these four enemies can be thwarted by consuming the fruits located throughout the maze. These fruits give Pac-Man a temporary power boost, allowing him to consume his foes and send them back to their cage, only to be released again after a short period of time

Four Enemies

Pac-dots and fruit

               The simple game mechanics is applicable in real life situations. Pac-Man is a representation of everyone of us. Each day, we face challenges , both big and small, and accomplish several objectives in order to complete these challenges, just like how Pac-Man meekly consumes pac-dots one by one until the very last in order for him to proceed to the next level. However, with great challenges comes great opposition. The four enemies of Pac-Man represent obstacles that seem to obstruct us from accomplishing great things. Pac-Man manages to face these adversaries by consuming the fruit, the fruit which aids Pac-Man in his task. And in the same way, all of this comes down to whether or not we choose to face these obstacles and obliterate them from our paths. By turning to fear and not facing these obstacles, we then delay ourselves from attaining our goals.

               In the end, we can call ourselves Pac-Men or Packed-Men because we are packed with challenges, goals, objectives, and as such. From this game, we can learn that we should face our fears, for what is there to fear if fear itself fears us, and of course more importantly, God is always with us, so who can stand against us.

Written by Raymond Acero, and Enrique Ibanez of BH DRIVE THRU


  1. Ah, Pacman- classic. Nice article. Well written with a fresh point of view. (Have you seen the 5sos version of this game? :) ) Keep it up!

  2. Hi! I like this post for the very simple reason that you have found a way to make profound something as simple as Pacman. :) There is depth in the diction, as well.

